Attended the WinterJam 2014 and parked on the East side ground parking for $15. Concert admission was $10.
The traffic getting into the parking lot was slower than slow and terrible. That was the better part.
The line getting inside was 100 times worst. The doors were to open at 6:00pm with the concert to begin at 7:00pm, but the doors opened at 6:40pm and there were so many people we got into the doors at 7:10pm. Some people waited for 4 hours and we got in the same time. The metal detector made it even slower and I don't know if it really helped with the red light going on with 80% of the people since it probably ocker up the belts, cell phones and keys.
Worst process in the world!
Other than parking and entering the facility is very nice with good seats and an array of different food vendors.
Fix the parking queuing, parking price gauging of $15 and the entrance fiasco and you may get a couple more stars