Did anyone else get charged $12.34 for a Haywards 5000 beer? I bought a Groupon for me and my boyfriend, the Groupon gave the option of dining in for the lunch or dinner buffet. When the owner sat us at our table (pretty standoff-ish/not engaging) he told us that the Groupon requires us to buy either a food item or a beverage. So since I already paid for our meals through Groupon all I had to do was pay for my drink---Totally 100% cool with that! He reccomended me to try an Indian beer, so I said "sure, why not?!" (Haywards 5000). I assumed it would be MAYBE $6.
When we walked up to the register to pay, I'm not sure if the owner was thinking "maybe I can get away with charging this person a rediculously obscene amount for one beer." --When he gave us the total me and my BF just looked at eachother in confusion. We aren't ones to ever complain at a restaurant so we didn't say anything and just paid for it. So after he took the payment I'm not sure if he felt guilty that all the sudden he was super nice and tried starting up a conversation... once he found out that we drove 30+ minutes across town to eat at his restaurant he continued to be engaging for about 2 minutes, gave us a coupon card and ended with a "come back, God bless".
So I know its my fault for not asking how much the beer was but I would just like to know if anyone else was charged that amount? I Google the beer and it goes for $3.99 at a normal liquor store. So seriously? Over $12? The sad thing is that the food was really good. But even if your prices are that high for a beer, that just seems really wrong.