don't bring in a coupon. didn't read the very small print that said present when you drop off. why does it matter since you don't pay until you pick up. there excuse is they cant change the price, but if you pay with cash they can change the price. employee said you just don't know the owner, he doesn't play that. obviously based on the reviews he doesn't care about his clients. been using this cleaners for years and it is time to find a new one. they have already had one location destroy a comforter of mine then gives my wife the run around, then at this cleaners the computers crashed so i couldn't get previous invoices for tax purposes, and now this. what a shame, the owner obviously must be very comfortable with money he makes and does not care about the people that pay his bills. this is really over a coupon that was 5.00 off and my bill was over 50.00. this is not a money issue but the principle since i have giving this place well over 1000.00 in business.