Yesterday I participated in a SPARTAN SUPER Race which was 9 + miles running climbing jumping crawling in a gravel pit with alkali mud rocks stones sand etc.
Today my buddy recommended a trip here in Las Vegas to a Korean business called Imperial Spa. This is a fantastic experience! I'm writing this laying in a stone bed of heated clay marbles, just after a full body exfoliation/moisturization then massage. The guy that worked on me said "much dead skin". I knew that when sunlight hit my legs waiting for a table at breakfast.
Exfoliation here is akin to sanding paint off a car!
He wasn't shy on the massage either. The largest muscles in the body are the glutes and I can affirm a Spartan Race abuses them fully. All of my previous massage therapists were shy in this area, not A Korean with over 20 years experience , thank you!
It took some getting over my modesty when in the men's saunas but steam works wonders in more ways than one.
Read the other YELP reviews, one details everything a first timer needs to know.
This was a fantastic first experience.
@SpartanRace @MannColonel
#rejuvenated #recovered #spartan