I hate reviews that rip off that Mastercard commercial but what the hell, I'm doing one as well:
VIP Table at Tryst : $1,000
Belvedere Vodka: $450 per bottle (x 2)
Hookers: $300 (x 2)
Getting kicked out of Tryst: priceless!
Yes, for the first time in my adult life I was kicked out of a club. Why you may ask? I'm still a bit unclear but basically some girls were taking a picture near our table, told me to get out of the way and I replied "This is our table! You get out of the way!" Well, something along those lines, it was 3am and I was not sober. Turns out I said the wrong thing to the wrong person - one of the largest men I've ever seen told me that I had to leave. The guy who escorted me out was really nice, he told me that I was leaving for disrespecting a member of the hotel staff. I wasn't about to argue with someone that large so I just kept my mouth shut and let him lead me away...I was half expecting him to go all Ocean's 11 on me and rough me up a bit but nope, just a nice walk out.
Oh wait, the hookers...as I'm standing outside the Wynn a cute girl walks by and smiles at me. I smile back and she starts chatting me up...turns out her and her friend were hookers. And no, I didn't go there.
That brings me to my Vegas formula:
Girls in club at 1 am smile at you: they want you to buy them a drink
Girls on the street smile at you at 3 am: they want you to buy them.
I'm still giving Tryst 2 stars because our waitress was really sweet and super hot and the dude who kicked me out didn't beat me up.