| - I'm new to Arizona, and new to yoga, so I took advantage of the $39 new Arizona resident special that allows you to take an unlimited amount of classes for one month. So far, I've been able to take about 3 classes a week, and I am enjoying it! There are a variety of classes for every level, and an equal amount of different instructors, so you can determine which class is right for you. I am taking the restorative yoga classes since I have really bad knees, and one of the instructors, Emily Stooks, has been very welcoming and always accommodates any student who may have a physical ailment/limitation. I feel like yoga can be very intimidating for a newbie, and I don't feel anxious when I go to classes here. There's also free parking in a covered garage, which is an added benefit, because getting all relaxed, and then having to get into a 120 degree car kind of kills the whole namaste vibe.