I have been coming here for about 3 months now almost every other week. I love coming here because food is delicious and well prepared. My wife wanted Filipino food but we didn't want to drive out to Jones and Desert Inn, so we searched and found this gem in the wall on Rancho.
We always get sisig, lechon, lumpia and sinigang but we also try whatever they recommend because they are all so delicious. I love the flavors of filipino food and also some food similarities with korean cuisine makes easier to approach for me.
Food here is amazing because of a few things:
1. It's not greasy like other filipino food. Whenever I reheat I rarely see fat solids on top.
2. Everything is freshly made when you call ahead but I think they only make certain portion at a time for the hot food display table.
3. Service! Owner really cares about what you put in your mouth.
4. There is nothing more satisfying than pleasures of simple complexity in flavor. They are very good at it.
5. I don't feel like crap after eating their food.
Today is sinigang day so we will be visiting again since yesterday. Best sinigang I've had so far and that includes the ones I've tried in the Philippines.
If you love lumpiang Shanghai this is probably the best you will have in town. To me it is so far.
If you want to visit, please remember:
1. Bring cash it's easier.
2. Don't be afraid to try new stuff. (They are all great, if you are not sure ask for samples)
3. Bring cash around $40 because you will order enough to use it all.
4. Take their menu home with you. Put their number on speed dial.
Enjoy! I hope you guys share the same enthusiasm I have for this place. This is probably the only 5 star restaurant review I have given so far.