Lola is like Lux's bourgeois older sister. You want to hate her for her materialistic/conformist ways and then you wake up and realize that you are her. Skinny jeans don't look good on YOU...they look good on your 20-something 90lb sis. Yeah yeah, you're hip...but that shaggy mop top shit doesn't translate well to the boardroom. The only thing you have in common at this point is your stupid Prius.
You've grown up kid.
It's a little hard to accept at times, but you will. Your penchant for malnourished, tattooed, possibly sexually confused boys has given way to men. Grownups with stability, good jobs and a formal education. Your idea of a good time has gone from $1.00 PBR specials to 50% off any bottle of wine deals. It's been a long time coming darlin' but you're ready. Embrace, with love, these changes because you can't do shit about it....and you can't live in the past.
(Believe it or not, this ENTIRE review was about coffee)