FAT BURGER CORPORATE ALERT: BRAND BEING TARNISHED! Ive loved Fat Burger since the first day I enjoyed their turkey burger with egg and Mr Pibb. This is the only Fat Burger I've seen look this bad.Do not think this is how all Fat Burgers are operated. Everyone I've been to was nearly perfect. What happened to corporate quality control? Neon sign broke, dirt building up from neglect, no one greeted me and manager rushed order, TV broke playing nonsense. Trays of old food sitting out, chairs, straw wrappers, and other stuff all over while employees walking by with no care to clean it up. Only the manager and lady working not sure but looks like they are trying to save money but its going to end up costing them customers. Food was good but more care could have been put into stalking the burger so it was even. It's sad they don't care anymore...