Every since joining this church my relative has become like a member of a cult. I am a Christian, I have been baptized but I don't go around wearing a t shirt that says CLEAN. Listen, we want to encourage people to get baptized, not call all those who are not yet baptized "dirty". Everyone is not on the same time scale and I think subliminally putting in others minds that they must be dirty because they aren't at the same point in a path that the lord has for them is against the goal here. Shaming people isn't the way to Christ. I went to this church to see what it was about. I rather liked it myself being already baptized and a follower of Christ since 2005 I found it invigorating but I found it very impersonal for the new converts. My relative since joining this church has become the most judgmental person I know as well as hypocritical. My relative is harshest with her own mother. She seems to shun people instead of grow as a person. I am not saying mission church caused her to be judgmental but I think if the church was more personal instead of a show stage maybe they could work on issues in peoples lives more. I think a lot of young people like this church for the fact that it IS impersonal. They get the credit, get the t shirts, the belonging mentality, and get a loud booming show without having to belong to only Christ or look deeper. She is sucking more of my family into this church and the study of scripture is a wonderful thing but I think again with all the hats and t shirts and selfies it just seems like an show and cult following. I don't need a t shirt to give credit to my relationship with Christ.