This location has a drive-thru (handy!) but it's also a pain to get into if you're not already on that side of the road (not so handy). I've only ever been through the drive-thru here, though, so it's clearly not a dealbreaker.
My interactions with staff have been just fine; there have been waits in the drive-thru but that's just the nature of a froofy drink place where people tend to customize. On my last visit I was one of those people; the s'mores Frappucino sounded amazing but I can't have caffeine. I asked if it was possible to get it as a Creme and it was. Unfortunately, it was super sweet and didn't have much a flavor beyond that quality. The bitterness of coffee would have helped greatly, but I can't fault them - they accommodated my request for a caffeine-free version.
Starbucks devotees are likely glad there's a location near Hilldale, but as a casual visitor it's not usually worth the hassle of getting in and out.