I came here because my job got rid of our free clinic and we were told we could use these (not so) urgent cares. I arrived today (Friday) at 9 am. I ended up leaving because I waited 1 hour and 40 minutes in the waiting room. During that time they only called back 2 people, and there was still one more person ahead of me. Those 2 people that got called back- were still in the back when I decided to leave! I figured this was going to end up being a 4 hour ordeal by the time I got done- because I knew that once I got in the back I'd probably sit for another 45 minutes in an exam room. I have no idea why they take so long?? From previous reviews it seems like they spend a very short time with the patient. They basically call a patient back about every 50 minutes. I googled "CVS clinic" and was able to put myself in line from my phone . I left at 10:40, got to the CVS clinic at 10:50, was seen immediately and was walking out of CVS with prescriptions filled by 11:50! I don't think I'll return here, they aren't too efficient and my time is more valuable.