I've been a member for two years. The good first. I've worked with four or five trainers here and I've liked them all. Work with two know. They challange me, they push me and they both vary the exercise routines. The trainers are as a group very committed to helping you. There is considerable turnover and the best trainers may not stay. The current head trainer, Chris, is excellent. He cares. Downsides are several. The music is too often amphed up to a level where you cannot hear the trainers. The aerobics and spinning classes crank the music up to the level of pain and I don't understand why the aerobics people are not suffering hearing loss. Perhaps they are. My biggest complaint however is that equipment is not maintained. The local people report problems but they are not fixed. Currently only one of eight stationary bikes is in good conditions. A lot of the fixes are minor, replacing a knob so seat height can be changed and so one. It is imposible to get a response from the corporate offices. My emails are ignored. Their contract writing is a bit shady, but that is driven by corporate who constantly drives for increased use of trainers. This could easily be a great gym of the corporate managers would pay attention to the equipment and facility and treat their trainers better. They don't. As a result, this is a facility in decline.
Postscript (Sep 4, 2011) ... gonna upgrade this ... I called their corporate hdqtrs and got an email address and described problems. Didn't hear anything for a couple days. Then all of a sudden -- it was almost like magic -- things started getting fixed. Now I have three email addresses at their corporate offices and they seem genuinely concerned.