| - I went to Express a few days before Christmas this past December because I wanted to buy ties as a Christmas gift for two of my work colleagues. At check out, I had Izzik assist me (pronounced E-Zeek). He provided my total, however, did not ask me if I was a rewards member, so I had to ask him if he could input my membership. He requested for my phone number several times, as every time he input my phone number it did not save. He then asked for me to type in my social security number to verify that the membership belonged to me. He also asked me to type this in various times as for some reason it did not save. He then ran my credit card twice, as once again, for some reason, the credit card number would not save on his system.
The process of checking out my items took a lot longer than necessary, and Izzik seemed very flustered. He then called his manager because I believe his computer froze. Neither of them made friendly eye contact, smiled, or offered an apology for the long process and inconvenience of a simple check out of ties.
His manager, Vince, stated that my credit card would be authorized twice for the amount of almost $80 due to their system's error. I don't mind so much a double authorization, but an apology or empathy for the inconvenience would have been much appreciated as I had stood there for 15 minutes, providing my phone number, social security number, and credit card more than enough times. I work in the hospitality industry, and know firsthand that empathy goes a long way.
As I didn't care for another authorization/charge on my card and my patience was running low with Izzik and Vince, I infiormed them that I would not be purchasing the ties with them and headed to the Express at Las Vegas South Premium Outlets. My checkout was seamless there.
Needles to say, I love Express, however, I will choose the Express at Town Square and Las Vegas South Premium Outlets as my Express of choice (as a local) rather than receive the service at the Express at Fashion Show. I will also continue recommending at work to tourists who seek Express to shop at the Town Square and the south outlet locations instead of Fashion Show Mall.