EXCELLENT DR!!!! Absolutely incredible experience. I would rank this as the most professional interaction I've ever experienced with a medical specialist. I was in town on vacation and was experiencing severe pain in my big toe due to an ingrown toenail. Dr. Swenson adjusted his schedule to accommodate me and performed the procedure to alleviate my pain which was nothing short of a work of art. Dr. Swenson was very personable and explained the source of my pain without talking down to me or making me feel uncomfortable. The procedure was VERY fast and my recovery was equally as fast. After about 2 days of mild soreness my foot was more or less back to normal. After a week I put the toe to the test by running 5+ miles multiple times with absolutely NO discomfort. Prior to the procedure I was unable to walk without a limp. VERY impressed with Dr Swenson and if I ever find myself in distress, in Las Vegas, on vacation, with significant foot or ankle problems, I will definitely seek his medical opinion!