This place in Henderson NV is a money trap with their locked in contract of 2 years. I would of given it 0 stars but unfortunately that was not an option. The staff has as much personality as sea monkeys and behave like drones. The management must be lifting too many weights and busted a blood vessel because they could care less of your concerns. If you want an environment engulfed with the Real House Wives shallow and vein mentality then plant yourself right in there. I tried working out there but could not stand the attitude. Canceling is not possible as its a stupid two year contract. A year gives a gerson some sort of idea if something works for them but two is just plain torture and I think they know this. Prison is the best way to describe this gym. The majority (not all) movies they show are violent which is not enjoyable to see 50 people killed before I even had breakfast. There should be laws for getting out of a contract early. Even a marriage is easier to leave!!