We arrived at the Food Truck Festival at around 230 since my husband had to finish up some work that morning. We booked it as quickly as we could - I was practically running trying to keep up with my husband - he was so excited.
We figured that since it was 230 people would be finished eating and the lines would be manageable ...
We were wrong!!!!!!
There was an insane amount of people and most of the food was sold out :(
We waited about 30 minutes in the hot sun for a small dish of cerviche and vanilla yogurt and a churro. It was mighty delicious but the amount was so small and the wait was so long...
The idea of a gourmet food truck festival is fantastic. I mean, people in MN are willing to pay $18 for admission into the state fair with the SOLE intention of pigging out on things like deep fried meats/ carbs on a stick, battered cheese curds, and buy chocolate cookies by the BUCKET (no exaggeration - they sell cookies in BUCKETS) - ugh ...
So, the idea of gourmet food is fantastic and will draw crowds ... but i just wish there had been more food, more trucks, and line-ups less long.