AVOID THIS PLACE LIKE THE PLAGUE!! Octapharma pays the same for new donors. I have been donating plasma for over 15 years and this was THE worst experience I had ever had. Everything from lost paperwork to wanting to do my entire screening a second time because they couldn't find me in the system (even though I'd already been there for three hours & was done with screening & physical exam) to putting the needle in wrong so that it took over 80 min with painful muscle cramps when it normally takes me 35 min with NO PAIN WHATSOEVER to fill the bottle, plus I ended up with a huge bruise on my arm. I spoke with the managers and they asked me to come back and give it one more try but Mychelle was so angry and hateful that I didn't even care about losing the extra $50 that day, so I told them I would never set foot in that place again and I also warn everyone else to stay as far away from possible from this ridiculous joke of a plasma center.