When I pulled up to Showtime Carwash, I was immediately harassed about an "alleged" chip in my windshield. The man even chased me inside the building and would not cease his constant badgering. It took several times of me telling him that I was not interested before he finally backed off. When they finally finished cleaning my car, I noticed what looked like Armor All on my rear view mirror. One of the attendants wiped it off for me. The next morning, in the sunlight, I noticed spots all over my dashboard (see posted photos). Whatever chemical they used while cleaning my interior ate through the finish of the plastic. I called the car wash to report it but they denied any responsibility for the obvious damage to my interior dash. They claimed that they do not utilize chemicals that would cause any damage. After that failed attempt at having them rectify the situation, I decided to report them to the Better Business Bureau. Despite them claiming that they were not liable for the damage to my vehicle, they did manage to insult me even further by offering a free car wash. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I would NEVER visit that joke of a business ever again......even if they offer free car washes. I would NEVER recommend this car wash to anyone. If you value the good condition of your vehicle, stay away from this horrid establishment.