| - This dentist is an absolute fraud and should not be allowed to practice. It has been a long time since I have gone there, but when I had gone there for all my checkups and dental work for several years. Aside from the billing issues I always heard my parents complain about, his work was absolutely atrocious. To start off, he almost certainly would make up problems to work on, I would feel perfectly fine and go in for a check up and be told I had multiple cavities or needed a root canal on several occasions. Every time I had a cavity, it would be uncomfortable from the very beginning, because he was terrible at injecting novacaine and it would be extremely painful. With decent dentists, the injection will hurt for an instant and that's it. He would then proceed to drill and drill away at the tooth, typically reducing it excessively in size. After a few iterations of this, a root canal would become inevitable. The root canals he performed were even worse, and would always need to be redone within a year or two. I would frequently have terrible debilitating tooth pain. This just meant more money for him and more pain for me. When I moved and went to new dentists, they always commented on how poor my previous root canals were, and I spent a couple years getting them all repaired. One tooth was botched so badly it needed to be extracted completely. Ever since I've been to my new dentists I have not had a single new cavity or required a root canal on any new tooth. Dr. Carnivelli should arguably be in jail. STAY AWAY FROM THIS DENTIST.