I ordered online for carry out. When I pulled up I could see they were busy, about 5 people waiting already. I waited a few and two people exited with their order. I entered but wasn't greeted. There were two guys on the bench, ronda rousey type on my right and older woman on my left. After five minutes of the loud chatter between the guys on whether someone played football or basketball in college, another group enters. A small greeting finally from the back I will be right with you. I made the comment loud enough to be heard back there " okay but you running out of room up here." a few moments and a cashier arrives, but has no clue who was here first. I gave the direction of who was here before me and that mine was ready. The ronda rousey was kind and let me get my boxes and go. The couple that came in behind me decided on chicken next door rather then wait for pizza.
They either need hire more to keep someone up front at all times or install cameras so you can see how many people are stacking up in your little waiting room. I am sure the 7 adults and 1 kid violated some fire code for the space.