It's time for me to write some reviews of the churches i've attended since living in Las Vegas full-time ( 2006 )
My church reviews are limited to Sermon attendance on either Saturday, Sunday or Wednesday but primarily Sunday. Also, another confession - i have yet to "formally" commit to any specific church ( I won't bore you with the details as to why. )
I've attended The Church three times and i just haven't felt the message by Pastor Benny. I did observe many in attendance were in tune with the pastor's words but for me, it just didn't resonate.
The music was decent but i sense they do not play music of the contemporary christian artists ( maybe they write their own songs ??)
Not sure what to make of what i've read about the financial issues of the Church ( at least what i read last year - maybe its water under the bridge now ) - I hope it's all good now since it's clear many call this church their home.