If the definition of customer service is 'flexibility' then Costco is batting 0.000. Nothing, but nothing at Costco is set up with the shopper in mind. The staff have zero latitude to adjust anything for special circumstances. And being miserable is clearly encouraged. Costco at Beacon Hill has the atmosphere of a prison frankly. Let's face it, we live in an increasingly self-service world where reductions in personalized services are standard business practice. The only latitude Costco staffers have is how they say 'no', if you can locate someone to talk to. Then why shop at Costco at all? Lower prices? Nope! Face it, Costo's reputation for being low-cost is no longer deserved. All those service cuts are not reflected in lower prices. Maybe it was true at one point, but not anymore. Don't believe me? Check around. Everyone has Costco beat now... with service. Enjoy shopping somewhere else.
May 2012 update. In good faith, I must acknowledge the staff who are trying to be human and there are quite a few now. It is no longer like shopping at a prison; more like a detention centre. I even bought tires here, and that was an education. The tire desk staff do not answer their phone. Once day I was sitting 30 feet away on my cell phone watching to see if they would answer my call. Nada!! Regardless, I'm moving from 2 to 3 stars for those heroic Costco employees who are trying to be friendly and helpful.