Went on a slow Tuesday night. My party of 4, the largest group in the building, was ignored from the moment we walked in. My girlfriend and I had to drink from my friends' bucket of beer because the bar tender didn't even walk over to us until she felt it necessary to come and snatch the menus, which we had to get ourselves, out of our hands saying only "we're only serving off this late night menu." Not once was eye contact made and not once was a smile given the entire stay of nearly 3 hours. After leaving the tab in cash on the bar and leaving, we were chased outside by the same bartender who accused us of not paying our bill, having not even looked at the bar right where we were sitting, apparently. After we told her we left it on the bar the only response from her was "cause if you don't pay it then I have to." For a group of 4 who all work in restaurants, this low level service in, what was thought to be a reputable bar in the ballantyne area, was appalling.