I shall preface this by saying I'm a vegetarian, which is the reason for such a poor star rating. If you're a meat eater, disregard my review. You might think I'm a jerk for giving a bad review of a place with the word "seafood" in the name, because of their lack of veggie options. But I have my reasons.
We hit up this spot in desperation as we were looking for early morning Chinese. Props for being open 24 hours a day. Your tea was fine and your rice was well cooked, but that's all the positivity I can force out for this business.
The majority of Chinese restaurants I've gone to all over this country have been able to competently accommodate vegetarians. Not only were options limited, but the waiter genuinely seemed to not want to offer alternatives.
You don't have veggie egg rolls? You can't make veggie egg rolls?
You can't conjure some fried wonton shells?
You don't offer fried rice without egg?
We asked if there were a number of simple accommodations that could be made and the waiter replied "no no" before we'd even finished asking the questions. He just seemed to be pretty anti-vegetarian.
On the flip side, my friends really enjoyed their beef dish and spicy chicken rice. But I sure as hell won't be back.