| - I don't know why they call this a children's museum because I am 22 years old and still am obsessed with the place. It should be the Lied Discovery All ages museum, but I guess the mock grocery store where kids can buy plastic fruit and bread for paper money forces this into the "kid's only" category. Huh. I don't believe it. Anyway...if you have a child, or can borrow one for an afternoon, you HAVE to go to the Lied Museum. Not only will you blow bubble the size of a motorcycle and play with all sort of funny instruments, you will learn a thing or two in the process. Don't believe me? Put your hand on the electric globe thingy and tell you have never felt anything like that before. On your way out, stop by the aforementioned grocery store, and learn a thing or two about saving and spending money (God knows I need to learn this lesson again and again.) As you walk out, stop by the gift shop and pick up some space ice cream bars, you know, the dehydrated ones that activate with the saliva in your mouth. They are great! Seriously, I am petitioning for a name change. Al l the goodness of this museum cannot be reserved for the tykes.
Recommended company: For your own pride, you have to bring someone twelve or under. If not, you just look silly. This reminds me, does anyone need a babysitter? I need a kid for my next visit...No need to pay me.
Recommended visiting hours: Afternoons, I believe, are the best because the more kids running around, the merrier!