| - You know what's awesome in the summertime? Not having to shave your underarms every damn time you wanna go sleeveless.
Prices are very competitive. Of course, for one treatment here I can get waxed twice, but with waxing you don't get the possibility of permanent hair reduction. The quick, sharp pain ranges from no big deal, to AGH! depending on how close the shave. But it's so quick! Seriously, the whole procedure is like fast-food beautification. No frills whatsoever. You'll get a little cotton pad with aloe vera if you want, but other than that, no pampering here.
I was told to exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate, because even though the hairs are dead, the body still needs to expel it. Resist the urge to pluck hairs that aren't falling out by themselves, because those need to be intact until the next treatment you get (I know, it's hard :/).
L4L only charges half price after the sixth treatment (per area). You also get a 10% off coupon during your birthday month.
Wish they had one in Tucson!