| - Not the finest dollar store I've ever been to. In fact, this one has to be one of the worst. Or maybe I'm being harsh because I was sad they don't carry bamboo. Seriously, I went to this dollar store on the west side that sold the curly bamboo guessed it...ONE DOLLAR! That is unheard of. If anyone knows where that store is at, let me know. I, unfortunately, can't remember.
This location just had some sad looking plants that looked as if they hadn't been watered in a few weeks. They also had the standard food items, toys, hair products etc. etc. but I couldn't find anything at all that I wanted to buy.
I do think all Dollar Tree's are perfect for teacher's though. They sell markers, pencils, erasers and other little items that are perfect for teacher's to give out as rewards to students. Other than that, I'd skip this dollar store and hold out for one of the better, curly bamboo carrying ones.