I took my car to get a diagnostic elsewhere and that's where it was determined I needed an ECU update. I called Nissan and asked how much it was for an ACU update, first question they asked was "how do you know that's what it is?" So I told them. Their answer was "We can't go based off of what another repair shop says because they don't have a way to get all our codes." I told Steven that if they could just update the ECU update and if the light came back on that at that point I would agree to pay for the diagnostic. He declined and at this point I had no other option but to pay the $125. Fine, I go to pick up my car and apparently Steve is on his way out, takes me to the cashier, and says "your car is parked up front" and leaves. I go look for my car at the front and is nowhere to be found. I spend a good 10 minutes walking around like an idiot until George finally came to my rescue and helped me find my car. That SAME AFTERNOON I drive down do Tucson and my accelarator does not work, my car will not go past 80mph. IF I PAID FOR A DIAGNOSTIC I AM EXPECTIC FOR A FULL CHECK ON THE CAR, NOT JUST FOR WHAT I BROUGHT THE CAR IN FOR. WRONG!!! I called and made a call and I am told I wouldn't get charged for another diagnostic, but as soon as I get there Steve starts talking me they will need to perform another diagnostic. I asked him why and he sarcastically said "well, we fixed the first issue right?" Hmmmm excuse me??? I advised him I was already told by someone else there wouldn't be another charge so then he proceeded. I go back to pick up my car and somehow a basic maintenance issue and struts (Which I got a second opinion on and was told they were not nearly close to being needed to be changed) but somehow this is causing my car to not go over 80mph? Unheard of. Anyway, the last straw was when they emailed me the 2nd diagnostic....i asked for a copy of the 1st one and guess what?? They don't have one, cause they never did what I PAID them to do!!