| - When I'm driving, I am usually very focused on the one task at hand; getting to my destination. However one day, while going through this area of town, I got a hankering for some boba. I made my boyfriend do a Yelp search on my phone, and lo and behold, Easy Life was only 5 minutes away. I clicked for directions, and was directed to a quaint little drink shop across from a large soccer park.
Now, I am a very picky person when it comes to my boba. The consistency has to be perfect. Cooked just right. Under-cooked boba will leave you with a gross, hard center. Over-cooked boba will be too chewy. But Easy Life got that part just right.
So why only 3 stars, you ask?
Well, I usually only get plain boba milk tea, and if the particular place I'm at has pudding, then pudding is always added. So what did I get? Pudding Milk Tea with boba, of course!
I was so excited to get one, I got the biggest size they had, to-go, and didn't realize that they used bowl-shaped cups that were much too big to fit in my cup holder :( -- of course, upon exiting, I realized they used regular sized cups, as well, but I did not notify them I wanted that size. OH WELL. I poked my straw into the top and loaded myself, my boyfriend and that monstrous bowl... cup.. thing... in with me.
I took a sip, and... I wasn't impressed. Was it my selection? Not sure. I gauge a boba place by their most plain drink, the milk tea, my favorite drink, and I guess it just wasn't what I was used to. Don't get me wrong, the tea flavor was there, and the pudding tasted decent. And like I mentioned previously, the boba had great consistency.
Of course, it's just my personal opinion. I do not know what brand of tea, or boba or pudding they use, but, I just didn't care for it.
I did finish the drink though, because you just can't be wasteful in this day and age.
I would stop by if I'm in the area, but I'm still loyal to my Good Foot Boba in Chinatown. (They don't have pudding, but their milk tea is so good, they don't need it!) :)