I will never spend my money here again. As soon as the top coat was finished, the lady running the front of the store made me pay and get out. I wasn't aware of their "cash only" rule for tips so I let the lady at the front know and she said they could charge my card for the tip just this once but to "remember to bring cash next time" in a very rude tone. This was my first visit to this salon and there was no indication on their website that I couldn't tip on a card like everywhere else. Then they didn't allow me to dry my nails at all. When I got into my car, I smudged them on the seatbelt and went back in to have them fixed, since they were the reason they weren't dry enough. The lady at the front didn't even use nail polish remover to redo the nail, she just used the same polish and went over the smudge, leaving bumps and uneven color. I was so appalled I didn't even speak. Also, every time I was told to get out of the chair to wash my hands or I had to go to the bathroom, I ran into the other chairs with the customers sitting in them, probably messing up their nails too. This is the smallest salon I've ever seen and they just jam everyone in it. It is embarrassing that they run a business this way. Do not give your money to this place.