Shady operations...
I was greeted by an employee's car parked in the lined-off area next to the handicap spot. This area is designated for people who NEED the extra space to get in and out of their vehicles.
I came in for a flat repair, rotation and balance - all covered by the hazard protection. They wanted me to pay the guess "out the back" instead of ringing me up at the register. Another strange issue is that they cannot look up my purchase history. Repairs are done, but getting there the right way was like pulling teeth. It amazes me in an era when it's so easy to link computers and servers, that Tire Works cannot do this.
After making the repairs to one tire, it turns out another tire was damaged and needed to be replaced. So what do they have for my car? Three different tire for manufacturers no one has ever heard of. I learned long ago that when it comes to tires, name brand is better. I decided to go elsewhere to get new tires.
Then upon leaving, I find that my light colored seat upholstery is dirty. Of course they don't take responsibility for that. When asked, the customer service agent states, "this is only my second day." Not the right answer.
People have a really difficult time trusting auto repair shops. This is why. If you want to EARN business, you need to be trustworthy and fair. You need to be accountable. You need offer a good product at a reasonable price (value). This is NOT how you do business.
BTW - The car was still blocking handicap access when I left... Two hours after I originally complained about it. Again, they take no responsibility for their products or employees.
I'd suggest everyone stay away from Tire Works. I will.