| - Great dinner option. I've been eating grease and carbs like a pro lately, and figured I should attempt something healthy.
Obviously, if I go with a cauliflower "steak," that's healthy, right? I'm a pretty big fan of cauliflower when done properly. This "steak" was done somewhat properly... but lacked any excitement. Good thing it comes on a bed of gooey quinoa something-or-other, so that it picks up the strange savory/cranberry flavors. I then ruined everything by realizing that eating a chunk of cauliflower doesn't really accomplish much in the way of satiation, so I got a cup o' vegetable beef soup to the side. That was decent, too, though a bit on the salty side. All was redeemed by two massive chunks of delicious bread, with which I enthusiastically negated all attempts at a healthy dinner.
On a side note, the music playing during my visit was halfway to recreating my favorite "wallowing in melancholy" playlist, so major props to whomever was selecting the music that day.