The billing staff is incompetent. I was required to pay my estimated portion up front even though my insurance company states that they should bill them first then my HSA would pay the balance. That was an inconvenience but not what upset me. They billed the visits as though I had not paid anything and so my HSA paid them the balance of what the insurance company didn't pay despite me already paying that amount. I was double billed. This would have been a minor issue had they refunded the over payments promptly. I have yet to receive a check and it has been three months since my last appointment. Both me and my insurance company have tried to contact them but either the right person isn't available or no one answers and we leave messages. At my last appointment with them I had become aware of the double billing so I refused to pay upfront and stated that they owed me funds. The receptionist made a comment indicating it was going to be very difficult to get my money back before the end of the year. Of course the last appointment was billed to my insurance company like usual and they received the monies from my HSA to cover my co-pay leaving the balance they owe me the same. I made them aware of the over payment in February, it is now June.
I was seen for severe iron defeciency and received 6 iron IV treatments. My doctor was fine and the nursing staff was also fine. I will however be finding a new hemotolgist to follow up because of their business practices.