I just don't get Dunkin' Donuts. Maybe it is because I've been spoiled by the deliciousness that is Rainbow Donuts - or maybe it is just because Dunkin's donuts are just total crap.
We happened to be in this area today, and got a few donuts to fulfill my sugar craving. Their chocolate donuts are brown, but they don't actually taste like chocolate. They were some of the blandest donuts I've ever eaten. The pink-frosted sprinkled donuts were marginally better, but the apple fritter was a waste.
I am so glad I live by a REAL donut shop, so I don't have to resort to these low-quality, flavorless, tiny donuts on a regular basis. If you are within 30 minutes of a Rainbow donuts, make the trip - you'll be glad you made the effort for fresh, flavorful treats.