I first found this place while I was kayaking down the Colorado river. Pulled my kayak to the side and started rock climbing up into this canyon in FLIP FLOPS. Didn't end up making it up all the way and got a giant bruise for it but make it down to finish the 10 mile kayaking down the river.
Next time around I went to the canyon from top and took my time going down and hopping in almost all the hotsprings. Did not make it all the way down.
Third time around made it all the way down, had a picnic at the bottom on the rocks by the river and made it back up before it was dark.
I love this place and will continue to come back. Jumping in the hot springs is always relaxing (as long as you don't freak out about the amoeba)...there are even burnt candles on the sides of some of them. haha!
FYI this place gets really hot during summer. Some people even died of dehydration here few years back.
This is a medium level hike/rock climbing. Yes, there are ropes that you have to climb down/up...and if there's a stream those rocks become pretty slippery.