| - I don't even know where to begin. Yes I do, from the beginning. Because that's when things went wrong. Our waitress (#1) took our order (2 drinks, chips and queso), no big deal. A few minutes later her shift ended so she brought another waitress (#2) over to us and introduced our new waitress. Great, no problem. Except less than 5 minutes after we get transferred, our new waitress gets her purse and walks out. I mean I'm not one to judge a smoke break. Whatever. Except this 'break' lasted 15 minutes and after realizing this chick was not coming back, I had to go to the bar to order another drink. The bartender seemed baffled, rightfully so. He was now having to do her job.
The bartender brings me my drink, the waitress is still gone. I really thought she had completely peaced out! We ordered another drink, and eventually this girl strolls back in like its nothing. She comes up to us after walking around the room for awhile, completely oblivious to the fact that she was failing at her job.
Fast forward, all of the girls working at the taco bar decide to put together a World Cup cutout. The kind of thing where you put your face in it and take a picture. There were FIVE of them working on it. Working so diligently that they were ignoring the customers. Including the 2 nice women who sat next to us and waited for at least 10 minutes, and eventually got up and left to get a waitress from Vida to try to help them. I even notified one of the waitresses that 2 customers had left because they were ignored.
The real kicker comes when I decided that after all of that, I had to try some tacos to see 1) what they tasted like and 2) how much worse it could get. Disclaimer, I filled the order sheet our wrong. But after waiving down the waitress/female bartender, explaining that I did not in fact want a platter, just two tacos, she agreed and went on her way. This is also a different waitress (#3) than we originally had, that one (#2) was still working on the cardboard cut out.
The food comes, guess who is served 6 tacos? What in the world am I going to do with those? So then waitress #2 (the one who left the restaurant, not the one who took the taco order) came over and asked how everything was. I said you know the tacos are great buttttt we didn't order 6 of them. I explained what happened, she says 'oh so you didn't want these?' We said no, we just can't eat that many. She picks up the tray with the remaining 4 and walks off. I know we didn't want to pay the $17 for 6 tacos, or even eat that many, but common restaurant courtesy is that if you bring out the wrong thing, you leave it. Considering the hassle of the entire situation, it seemed reasonable. I guess not?
Okay so the pluses? The fried chicken taco was good. The male bartender was SUPER nice and receptive when I asked him to go light on the agave in my marg. I am a Texas girl who just wanted some queso, margaritas and tacos. I think that male bartender was the only one competent enough to even be working there. Vida Vida, your potential is there but your staff lacks basic restaurant skills.