Ok, this hole needs negative stars. Quick, you say? CARE, you claim? Those are both pipe dreams, even if the staff doesn't lie to you.
When one calls an urgent care facility and asks for certain things the facility offers and doesn't offer and the facility says to come on down, even though they are expressly told you are across town and can't make it form 30 minutes you might think that all makes sense, right?
Except when you show up in 28 short minutes and the place is locked. Locked. Read that again...LOCKED. There are people inside waiting to be seen. Locked!? Yeah. So you call the same front office staff member who just TOLD you to come down and she denies every lying mcliarson word she just freaking told you!? This is health care, mind you...not holding a candle at wicks n sticks.
Useless. Useless liars. Useless lying care snubbing jerks.
I hope you get sneezed on. By a rabid giraffe. Oh, and a zoologist wastes YOUR time, money and last dollup of goodwill.
A RABID giraffe.