Came back here under extreme duress from some new friends on a First Friday night. Not quite sure what happened at the door, someone dropped a name and all of us were in without having to wait. The line looked crappy and the cover charge was $10. Cool.
We went upstairs immediately and it was on. The DJ spun top 40 all night with lots of anthems so there was plenty of rump shaking, etc. It almost felt like being at Studio 54 in 2002. One big party!
The nice thing about the overpriced drinks is that if you're cheap like me you probably aren't going to have that many, thus reducing your need to go downstairs to pee and then wait in line again just to get back upstairs. What a joke. Somehow a few the peeps in my party had wrist bands that got you back upstairs without having to wait so I just piggy backed onto that.
Overall this night was much better than my previous visit. Just spend your drink money somewhere else first and them come over here to enjoy the great outdoors upstairs.
I posted a pic (don't mind my dirty fingernail!) of the "House Rules" for the Laundry Room, their super exclusive hoity toity speakeasy. Whoever wrote this self absorbed shit list needs to check themselves. Just stupid.