The only place in town that can hold a candle to a raised in South Hills, Fiori's stuffed gal for pizza. I have walked miles to this place. I have taken lyfts from bars in South Side to this place (with the original idea probably being to go home in East Lib, but some dreams do come true). It's all worth it. I'm not even getting into the Mineo's garbage here because that's what it is. Don't even start.
First of all, you pay when you leave. Second, if you don't like slightly sweet pizza sauce or those crust bubbles, get out now. Crust bubbles made here make the world a little brighter.
I typically split a large black olive with a girlfriend. A few specs of grease and sweet tomato sauce are always all that survives. Good to note this is also the only spot for pizza that I dine in. The Formica covered booths tucked together by the pop can machines are the cutest. Coupled with some friendly fellow pizza patrons, you're going to make some friends.
More importantly, you're going to have the best pizza in the city. I said it.