| - I really want to like this place, but after so many tries and "chances" it becomes more and more difficult. The seating is great (I recommend the premium plus seats) and very comfortable. The menu is so so, and could certainly use some creativity and occasional new items. However, eating in the dark doesn't leave a ton of room for culinary creativity, so I think they are doing the best the can.
Here's where the trouble comes in.....the service. It's somewhere between below average and painfully awful. I have been here many, many times, so I don't consider myself a novice and wouldn't pass judgment after one or two bad experiences. The service is just always a problem. It's rare to be greeted quickly, regardless of when you arrive. This makes the idea of getting there early and ordering dinner before the movie pretty irrelevant. Once a server does take your order, you most likely won't see them again until they drop off your check. The check back rule after you get your food doesn't exist here. The food is always delivered by a food runner that is on a mission to dump your plates and run out of there as fast as possible. From then on, you are basically on your own and better hope for the best that you don't need anything. On several occasions my check has been wrong, extra items added or even left off, my credit card missing, etc...then have to search out my server after the movie.
The whole thing is really frustrating. What a great idea that just isn't executed well. Have I offered the management feedback? Yes, in fact 3 times. Twice in person and once by email. Their response: "thanks for the feedback, we're working on it". I think you've have had more than enough time to "work on it".