Look heyah shawtae, this was the best massage I've ever had! My masseuse was Lena and she got up in them nooks and them crannies and got some crick in my neck that I didn't even know I had!!! The 90 min massage (covers neck, back, feet, arms, face, and head) and toxin remover foot soak are a relaxing way to kick off or close out your time in vegas.
$50 for 90 minute reflexology massage means no frills or spa specialties. There are privacy screens but no private rooms so you hear when folks come in and get settled. This didn't disturb my service as much as one would think but it's good to know before going. I get a massage every other month as part of my self care and I'm trying to tell ya...if I could pack Lena in my bag to take home, I would. For now, i'll just make it a must return spot.