| - You have two options... Akron/Canton or Cleveland. I will always choose Cleveland Hopkins hands down.
Akron is small and great and only a few gates, which means, if you get stuck... you get stuck. There is no REAL places to eat, get gas for your rental, etc.
Cleveland is a grown up version of Akron... I don't mind the hustle and bustle of this airport. Its not Denver, or Dallas, but there are plenty of little places to chose from to eat, shop a little, etc.
Not so big that security takes for ever, but big enough to never make you feel all alone there.... you have a bus that takes you to the rental cars, taxis waiting for a fare, shuttle buses for hotels... you get my drift.
I can't wait to see what they have planned with all the construction going on. Seems to always be striving for improvement in my old airport hometown :)