Im really not into this mall.... It has great stuff sure, but I just hate the people who shop here. Henderson scum pretty much. Little rich kids with no jobs. I feel a thousand stares when I walk in, like its some kind of biggest fuckface contest.
Its clean and organized, and has a few unique stores. Mostly your regular stuff like Dillards, Macys, JcPenny, all that.
One time I was in there and I marginally walked near some african america teen females. And they started talking all sideways to me saying how I need to check where I walk and that they were going to "whoop my ass." I didn't even say anything to them, just clutched my pepper spray. Best part is the vagrant had a starbucks application in hand. Possible future employee maybe.
They had no clue I was 15 years older than them by far.
This mall is a Cinnabon outlet for fake thugs.