| - yeah, i dont know. korean bbq is a staple in my life, so after a long night of losing money to pleasant, consonant chords and free booze.. i said 'yes, please'. admittedly, it also helped that they were the closest place that was still open.
even piss drunk, i was pretty disappointed. most places will bring out over a dozen side dishes that the house has made themselves! i think i counted five, and most of it seemed canned. i was too messed up to be trusted with fire, so i had them cook my bulgogi. the quality was just okay. it didnt seem like the marinade ran very deep.
the service was nearly nonexistent, in spite of the fact that we were one of three occupied tables at the time. when they came around, they were vaguely pleasant so i'll give them that. also, korean bbq is expensive. this place takes that a couple steps further and it's not really justified.
overall, my feelings are that if you're going to charge a 'right on the strip' premium, you might as well invest some of that cash into a higher quality product...