For about the past 2 weeks now and because I use handicap fair the drivers have been getting extremely rude with me. And just because I look young they think I don't look disabled. After getting on bus a few minutes ago he speeded up and I jolted forward and had to brace myself. I am hearing impaired and learning impaired. I have four different things wrong with spine. One DDD and bone spurs at multiple places. Since when does he have the right to treat me that cuz he don't think I look handicap??? I am handicap. I have DDD in multiple places in my spine and bone spurs in my spine at multiple places and he gonna act like I'm not handicap???. Just because I look young he gonna think I'm a lazy ass free loader when I earned my you know what SSDI benefits!!!!!! I am sick and tired of the way valley metro treats it's young and disabled people.