| - Edit: changed it to a two star because the last time I went the restaurant, it smelt really bad, I should have gotten up and left but the waitress already served me tea. Flies in the summer and smelling bad in the winter; i'm not going back again. Check the discrepancy in their recent reviews vs their old reviews.
I really wanted to give this restaurant a 4-star, but I was just so repulsed by the flies flying around me during dinner yesterday! It really ruins the ambience when you have 4 flies (yes, I counted) flying over your food and you have to keep fending them off. The possible cause of this could be the warm temperature of summer; the owners did not turn on the A/C and have the fan on instead. The amount of flies made me question the sanitary conditions in the kitchen...
I ordered a small pork bone soup (they have two sizes - small/regular), and the soup and the meat were tasty. Even though it came in a smaller bowl (because it was a small), the amount of meat was decent (I was still stuffed after the meal). Instead of plain white rice that a lot of other places give you, I was impressed that they serve black rice (the kind that looks purple).
Do you like side dishes? If so, they give you 8 different kinds! And like many places, you can ask for refills if you want.
Final verdict: I would go back, I really want to try their other dishes (such as the knife noodles mentioned here), BUT only when the temperatures have dropped and there won't be flies flying around the table! :)