I've been wanting to get a daith piercing for awhile now, and I got it done on a whim...or should I say, "liquid courage". My friend found this piercing shop on Yelp after I had told her Jungle Zone wouldn't take us because time wouldn't allow it. Anyway, Ryan was the guy that pierced my daith - he was very informative tried to provide the least amount of pain as possible. Now obviously this is my first daith piercing so I can't write on experience regarding if it should or shouldn't hurt or be a fast process, etc. - all I can say is that for me, it hurt like a b*^#% and idk if there was anything Ryan could do about it. He thoroughly explained the healing process - what to do and what not to do - provided contact information just in case I had any questions/concerns and even if recommended going back to see him in 4-6 weeks so he could check on the healing of my piercing. All in all, the place was clean and I'm glad that I witnessed with my own two eyes that they sanitized (what looked like) the tattoo bed and metal pan they place their piercing instruments on. I haven't had any issues with my piercing so far so I'm thinking that he knows what he's doing so I'll give credit where credit is due because I am in love with my piercing!