My phone go poopie :(
So I went to tis verizon store to get a new one since im up for a new one anyway. I was shocked to learn that I had basically one choice for a new phone since i want an actual qwerty and a touch screen in a phone that does not need the data package. Is this fair? I do not want or need the internet, but i would like a quality phone that I do not have to pay an extra $30 dollars a month for. This phone is ok at best, and to beat the band, i just happened to go on day 1 of I phone madness at verizon. So all i heard was you gotta get this phone it is the best phone out there. Dont want it, dont need it. sorry. So i decided to go home and order online, not only because it is less, but because i was frustrated with the whole pricing thing. Only to order and find that i cannot have my phone until today. I thought i saw overnight shipping if I ordered b4 3:30. Wrong, oh well. anyway that is enough ranting, I just believe that the wireless market is squeezing us all into buying a package which most of us dont really need. Remember when all we could do was page someone. then came alpha and we could text. We paid like $6 dollars and complained that was way to high. Now we pay $103 for basically the same thing. Enough said. gotta have it though.
I should add that everyone at the store was friendly and if your in the market for a verizon phone, this is a corporate store that isnt all that busy so give it a try.