PROTOGYM IS THE REAL DEAL! This place gave me the swift kick in my butt I needed to start me on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. (I'm 5' and WAS 127 pounds and lost nine pounds in six weeks - the right way.) More importantly, I'm stronger mentally and physically. Their trainers are nutritionists so they are also a treasure trove of health knowledge. At first I was intimidated of all the equipment they have (which is always clean, organized and well-stocked) because I had only ever stepped foot into gyms full of machines. I quickly learned how to use all of it. Their classes are also small which makes it like an "almost" private training session as they can keep an eye one you, your form, your progress and keep you challenged. Not only that, I had an injury at one point (not caused in the gym) and the trainers helped me by providing modified workouts and referring me to a specialist to help me outside of the gym. This is not a place that promotes cheesy themed workout days or attracts gym goers taking group "selfies" somewhere in a corner - thank goodness! PROTOGYM is a real gym with qualified, accessible and caring trainers who provide programs for real results. Anyone can set-up a brick-and-mortar gym, but its PROTOGYM's team that makes it outperform others. They're the total package.